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Current Weather at Mt Beauty, Victoria (updated every 10 minutes)
Last Update : 28/07/24 1:30a
4.1 °C
Today's Rain
0.2   mm
97 %
Rain Rate
0.0   mm/hr
3.6 °C
Storm Total
5.4   mm
ESE at 0.0 km/hr
Monthly Rain
101.8   mm
1017.8   hPa & Steady
Yearly Rain
441.0   mm
Wind Chill
4.1 °C
Heat Index
4.1 °C
THW Index
4.1 °C
0.0   index
Solar Radiation
0   W/m²
Today's Highs/Lows (Since Midnight)

High Temperature

Low Temperature

4.6 °C    at   12:01a

4.1 °C   at    1:14a

High Rain Rate

0.2 mm/hr    at   1:00a

High Humidity

Low Humidity

97 %    at   12:23a

96 %   at   12:01a

Low Wind Chill

3.9 °C    at 12:17a

High Dewpoint

Low Dewpoint

3.9 °C    at   12:01a

3.9 °C  at  12:01a

High Heat Index

4.4 °C    at   12:01a

High Barometer

Low Barometer

1017.9   hPa    at   12:20a

1017.6   hPa   at   1:03a

High UV

0.0 index   at    ----

High Solar Radiation

0 W/m²   at    ----


Real Time weather for Mount Beauty
Back to Alpine FM 96.5 FM

Explanation of Rainfall Data

DAILY RAIN - Rain accumulated since 12 midnight for 24 hrs. It then resets
to zero to get another 24 hr reading.

MONTHLY RAIN - Resets at the end of each month so on the 1st of the month we get a new month starting.

ANNUAL RAIN - Is for the calendar year starting 1st January. This updates
as the daily rain falls, then the month updates and this is then added to
the annual.

RAIN STORM - Displays the rain total of the last rain event. The figure
indicates how much rain has fallen since it actually started to rain - not
necessarily continuous rainfall. Note: It takes 24 hrs WITHOUT rain to end a
storm event then it will RESET to zero.